Koshu (well-cured-sake)

What is Junmai Ginjoshu?



Sake is classified into several types according to the manufacturing method, such as the rice polishing ratio koji ratio percentage, and amount of added alcohol. "Junmaishu" is made only from rice, rice koji, and water, and "honjozoshu" is made from rice, rice koji, water, with added distilled alcohol for the brewery. Furthermore, "ginjoshu" is brewed with rice polishing ratio of 60% or less, and "daiginjoshu" with rice polishing ratio of 50% or less; the pure rice ginjoshu that is discussed here is classified as "junmaishu". Each brand is unique, but as this kind of sake is made purely from rice, rice koji, and water without any added alcohol, it is characterized by the rich flavor of rice in addition to the fruity taste special to ginjoshu. Since ancient times, sake was made only from rice and water, and the condensed taste of rice of junmai ginjoshu with its purer taste of sake is said to be the charm of this kind of sake.

根据精米比率,酒曲比率,酒精添加量等不同酿造方法,将清酒分为几种类型。 以米,酒曲和水为原料的称为纯米酒,以米,酒曲,水添加酿造用酒精酿造的称为本酿造酒。 更甚者,利用精米比率为60%以下的米来酿造的酒称为吟酿酒,50%以下的称为大吟酿酒。此次介绍的纯米吟酿酒是从纯米酒里划分而来的日本酒。个性因品牌名称而异,由于不含酿造用酒精,完全由米,酒曲和水酿造而成,因此造就了吟酿酒独有的果香,以及大米本身浓郁的风味是其重要特征。


  • Originality using all local rice, yeast, and koji. 米,酒母,酒曲全部使用当地生产,因此具有独特性。 米,酒母,酒麯全部使用當地生產,因此具有獨特性。

    Tsukinowa Shuzo was founded in 1886 in Shiwa Town, Shiwa District in the central part of Iwate Prefecture. From the brewery's pronominal series of "Tsukinowa", we would like to introduce this "Junmaiginjo Tsukinowa". This sake is brewed using rice, yeast, and koji all from the Iwate Prefecture. By polishing up to 50% of the original sake rice "Gin Ginga" developed by Iwate Prefecture, this sake brings out a great balance between a moderate fragrance and sweet taste. Although it has a rich flavor, the aftertaste is refreshing; we would recommend this as a suitable product to enjoy the charm of junmai ginjoshu.

    月之轮酿酒厂于明治19年(1868年)在岩手县中部的紫波郡紫波町成立。 这个“月亮戒指”系列中的纯米吟酿酒,就是“纯米吟酿 月之轮”。
    其特点是在所有的大米,酒母,酒曲菌都使用了岩手县产的材料。 将岩手县独自开发的原始酒米“Ikin Gin”研磨到50%,实现了控制香气和适度的甜度。 虽然它有浓郁的味道,但回味清爽,可以说它是最能碰触纯米吟酿酒魅力的一款产品。

    月之輪釀酒廠於明治19年(1868年)在岩手縣中部的紫波郡紫波町成立。這個“月亮戒指”系列中的純米吟釀酒,就是“純米吟釀 月之輪”。
    其特點是在所有的大米,酒母,酒麯菌都使用了岩手縣產的材料。將岩手縣獨自開發的原始酒米“Ikin Gin”研磨到50%,實現了控製香氣和適度的甜度。雖然它有濃郁的味道,但回味清爽,可以說它是最能碰觸純米吟釀酒魅力的一款產品。

    Product name: Junmai-Ginjo SHUNNOTEN
    Brewery name: Tsukinowa Shuzo Co., Ltd

    产品名称: 纯米吟酿 月之轮
    酿酒厂的名字: 月之轮酒造 有限公司

    產品名稱: 純米吟釀 月之輪
    釀酒廠的名字: 月之輪酒造 有限公司

    Details of the brewery 酒厂详细 酒廠詳細
  • A fruity aroma created by the grace of Kisogawa and "Ibuki Oroshi" 由木曾川和「伊吹おろし」所诞生的果香味道 由木曾川和「伊吹おろし」所誕生的果香味道

    Naitoujouzou is a brewery Inazawa City, Aichi Prefecture with a history of over 190 years or more, since 1826 "Kisosansen Junmai Ginjoshu Niji No Shirabe" is the junmai ginjoshu from the brewery's representative series "Seishu Kisosansen". The name "Kiso Sansen" represents the three rivers named River, Nagara River and Ibigawa River running through the Noubi Plain. This sake is characterized by its rich aroma and slightly fruity and sweet taste, made from the blessing of underground water of Kiso River, "Ibuki Oroshi" blowing from the famous Ibuki Mountain, and Aichi's sake rice "Yumesansui", brewed slowly in low temperature. This sake definitely go with Japanese food and will bring out the best taste of the dishes.

    在爱知县稻泽市,从文政九年(1819年)开始,历经190年以上的酿酒商「内藤酿造厂」。他们的代表产品「清酒木曽三川」系列的纯米吟酿酒就是「木曽三川纯米吟酿 虹之调」
    清酒『木曽三川』是贯穿浓尾平原的木曾河,长良河以及揖斐河这三条河流。而这样一条清澈的木曾河的伏流水,和名峰伊吹山吹来「伊吹おろし」的恩赐,以及爱知县产的酒米“梦山水”作为原材料,经过细心的时间的酝酿而酿制出来的味道, 具有浓郁的香气和果香,略带甜味。 这是一种与日本料理兼容的好酒,可以增强菜肴的味道。

    在愛知縣稻澤市,從文政九年(1819年)開始,歷經190年以上的釀酒商「內藤釀造廠」。他們的代表產品「清酒木曽三川」系列的純米吟釀酒就是「木曽三川純米吟釀 虹之調」
    清酒『木曽三川』是貫穿濃尾平原的木曾河,長良河以及揖斐河這三條河流。而這樣一條清澈的木曾河的伏流水,和名峰伊吹山吹來「伊吹おろし」的恩賜,以及愛知縣產的酒米“夢山水”作為原材料,經過細心的時間的醞釀而釀製出來的味道, 具有濃郁的香氣和果香,略帶甜味。這是一種與日本料理兼容的好酒,可以增強菜餚的味道。

    Product name: KISOSANSEN Junmai-Ginjo NIJInoSHIRABE
    Brewery name: Naito Brewing Co., Ltd.

    产品名称: 木曾三川 纯米吟酿 虹彩
    酿酒厂的名字: 内藤酿造 股份有限公司

    產品名稱: 木曾三川 純米吟醸 虹彩
    釀酒廠的名字: 內藤釀造 股份有限公司

    Details of the brewery 酒厂详细 酒廠詳細
  • It is faintly sweet and its fragrance brilliant. It also goes well with Western-style food. 微微甜美,香气华丽。匹配西餐的酒。 微微甜美,香氣華麗。匹配西餐的酒。

    This "Shunnouten Junmaiginjo" is brewed by Yorozuya, established in 1790 in the current land of Fujikawa-cho of Yamanashi's Minami-Komagun. This junmai ginjo sake is made through consistent management from rice making to sake making, where the company's brewers mill the sake rice of "Tama Sakae" grown in the local land of Yamanashi prefecture's Fujikawacho and manufacture the sake in-house. The characteristic of this sake is its slightly sweet aroma with a modest sour and light taste while maintaining a strong flavor. The best way is to drink it cold (5 to 15 °C) You can also drink it at room temperature (15 to 25 ℃). Not only does it go well with Japanese food, but it also goes well with Western-style food.

    宽政2年(1790年),在山梨县南巨摩郡富士川町成立的万屋酿酒厂酿造的春莺啭 纯米吟酿
    漂浮着略带甜味的香气,具有适度的酸味和轻快的口感,但是还能扎实的感觉到品味的浓郁,这是其特征。最适合品尝的是冷却到5到15°C左右。或者在常温(15~25℃)下饮用也很好。 除了日本料理,它也适合匹配西餐。

    寬政2年(1790年),在山梨縣南巨摩郡富士川町成立的萬屋釀酒廠釀造的春鶯囀 純米吟釀

    Product name: Junmai-Ginjo SHUNNOTEN
    Brewery name: Yorozuya Jozoten Co., Ltd

    产品名称: 纯米吟酿 春莺啭
    酿酒厂的名字: 万屋酿造店 股份有限公司

    產品名稱: 純米吟釀 春鶯囀
    釀酒廠的名字: 萬屋釀造店 股份有限公司

    Details of the brewery 酒厂详细 酒廠詳細

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