Terminology 术语 術語

A translated list of technical terms for further enjoying sake. 这是一个技术术语的翻译集合,以进一步享受清酒。 這是一個技術術語的翻譯集合,以進一步享受清酒。

Sake meter value 日本酒的度数 日本酒的度數
It is used to measure the sweetness of sake and is a numerical representation of the weight of liquor when the density of water is zero (±0). The more sugar-based components there are it becomes heavier, and the fewer components it becomes lighter. In other words, the larger the negative figure of sake meter value, the sweeter and thicker, and larger the plus value, the smoother and drier. However, the taste of "sweetness · dryness" is also affected by the "acidity" explained later, and how it tastes depends on the person; thus, there are parts that can not be measured by sake meter value alone. 它是了解日本酒甜度的标准,将水的比重设定为0(±0)的时候,此时把酒的比重数值化。 糖基成分越多,口味越浓,成分越少,口味越清淡。 换句话说,日本酒度数的数值越小,口感越甜越浓厚,相反数值越大,口感越清淡发干。但是「甜口・辣口」这种味道,会被在之后将要解释说明的「酸度」所影响,根据不同品酒人的感受,也会有所改变。完全靠日本酒度数来衡量不出来的部分也是存在的。 它是了解日本酒甜度的標準,將水的比重設定為0(±0)的時候,此時把酒的比重數值化。糖基成分越多,口味越濃,成分越少,口味越清淡。換句話說,日本酒度數的數值越小,口感越甜越濃厚,相反數值越大,口感越清淡髮乾。但是「甜口・辣口」這種味道,會被在之後將要解釋說明的「酸度」所影響,根據不同品酒人的感受,也會有所改變。完全靠日本酒度數來衡量不出來的部分也是存在的。
Acidity 酸度 酸度
It is the quantified total amount of acid contained in sake such as lactic acid, malic acid, succinic acid, citric acid, etc. which bring sourness and umami to sake. Even with the same sake meter value, if the acidity is high the sweetness is canceled, becoming "dry and thick", whereas if the acidity is low it will taste "sweet and smooth. This acidity has a great influence on the sweetness and dryness of sake in the same way as the sake meter value, so it is a good idea to check the numerical values if they are listed on the label. 它量化了清酒中酸的总量,如乳酸,苹果酸,琥珀酸,柠檬酸等,它们带来酸味和美味。 即使是相同度数的日本酒,如果酸度高,则甜味会被消除并且变得“辛辣浓厚”,相反,当酸度低时,会感觉香甜清爽。这种酸度,跟日本酒度数一样,对于酒的甜度及辛度都有很大影响,如果数值列在商品的标签等上,最好检查一下。 它量化了清酒中酸的總量,如乳酸,蘋果酸,琥珀酸,檸檬酸等,它們帶來酸味和美味。即使是相同度數的日本酒,如果酸度高,則甜味會被消除並且變得“辛辣濃厚”,相反,當酸度低時,會感覺香甜清爽。這種酸度,跟日本酒度數一樣,對於酒的甜度及辛度都有很大影響,如果數值列在商品的標籤等上,最好檢查一下。
Atsukan 热酒 熱酒
It is a drinking method that takes advantage of the characteristics of sake, where the aroma and flavor change when the temperature changes. This method of drinking heated sake is called "kanzake". This expression "kanzake" changes depending on the temperature, and "atsukan" refers to sake heated to around 55 degrees Celsius. Incidentally, sake heated to around 40 degrees is called "nurukan", around 45 degrees "jokan", and 55 degrees "tobikirikan". You can enjoy various flavors and changes in aroma depending on the season and preference. 随着温度的变化酒香气也会发生变化,充分利用日本酒这种特征的喝酒方法,将日本酒加热的喝法就叫「热酒」。「热酒」根据温度不同,叫法也发生变化、「暖透身心」的热酒大概在50℃前后。40℃前后的热酒称为「温泉氤氲」、45℃前后的热酒称为「和煦脉脉」、55℃前后的热酒就是「热切炙烫」、我们可以享受这种季节和志向带来的各种各样的风味。 隨著溫度的變化酒香氣也會發生變化,充分利用日本酒這種特徵的喝酒方法,將日本酒加熱的喝法就叫「熱酒」。 「熱酒」根據溫度不同,叫法也發生變化、「暖透身心」的熱酒大概在50℃前後。 40℃前後的熱酒稱為「溫泉氤氳」、45℃前後的熱酒稱為「和煦脈脈」、55℃前後的熱酒就是「熱切炙燙」、我們可以享受這種季節和志向帶來的各種各樣的風味。
Junmai 纯米酒 純米酒
It is sake made only with rice and rice koji. "Junmai sake", "special junmai sake", "junmai ginjo sake", "junmai daiginjo sake" etc. are all sake brewed with "junmai". On the other hand, Japanese sake with brewed alcohol added to rice and rice koji is called "honjozo sake", and there are different types like "normal sake", "honjozo sake", "special honjozo sake", "ginjo sake", and "daiginjo sake". Depending on the brand and type, but generally, junmai sake is said to be characterized by the umami and richness of rice. 只用米,酒曲和水酿造的酒。「纯米酒」以外,还有「特別纯米酒」「纯米吟酿酒」「纯米大吟酿酒」等种类。与此相对,用米和酒曲加上酿造用酒精酿造的酒称为「本酿造酒」、分为「普通酒」「本酿造酒」「特別本醸造酒」「吟酿酒」「大吟酿酒」等种类。根据品牌名称和种类不同,一般的纯米酒都有美味浓厚的特征。 只用米,酒麯和水釀造的酒。 「純米酒」以外,還有「特別純米酒」「純米吟醸酒」「純米大吟醸酒」等種類。與此相對,用米和酒麯加上釀造用酒精釀造的酒稱為「本醸造酒」、分為「普通酒」「本醸造酒」「特別本醸造酒」「吟醸酒」「大吟醸酒」等種類。根據品牌名稱和種類不同,一般的純米酒都有美味濃厚的特徵。
Daiginjo 大吟酿 大吟醸
It is a term used to indicate the rice mill level which is the raw material of sake, and sake brewed using rice milled to 50% or less from its original shape is called "daiginjo". The center of rice contains a lot of starch, and the surface layer contains a lot of protein, lipid, and vitamins. By "polishing" and removing this surface layer, it is said to make sake that is less liquefied, more fragrant, clear and refreshing. 作为日本酒的原材料,表达米的精米步合的方式,将大米从原型研磨掉50%制成精米来酿造的酒称为「大吟酿」。大米的中心部分有大量淀粉,但是表层有很多蛋白质和脂肪,维他命等成分。把表层这些成分研磨掉,会酿造出杂味很少,更加香醇,清澈的日本酒。 作為日本酒的原材料,表達米的精米步合的方式,將大米從原型研磨掉50%製成精米來釀造的酒稱為「大吟醸」。大米的中心部分有大量澱粉,但是表層有很多蛋白質和脂肪,維他命等成分。把表層這些成分研磨掉,會釀造出雜味很少,更加香醇,清澈的日本酒。
Ginjo 吟酿 吟醸
Sake brewed with rice that has been milled to less than 60% is called "ginjo sake". The basic feature is similar to the taste of daiginjo's "more favorable, more fragrant, clear and refreshing taste" brewed with rice milled to under 50%, but daiginjo using rice with higher milling ratio, you can enjoy a purer taste. It is recommended for those who "casually want to enjoy the fruity scent of sake". 用精米步合在60%研磨的米酿造的酒称为「吟酿酒」。基本特征与精米步合在50%以下的大吟酿的「杂味少,果香浓,清澈清爽的味道」差不多、但是大吟酿因为精米步合率高,能更纯粹的享受初始味道,这点有些不同。对于那些想轻松享受日本酒果香的人来说是比较好的选择。 用精米步合在60%研磨的米釀造的酒稱為「吟醸酒」。基本特徵與精米步合在50%以下的大吟釀的「雜味少,果香濃,清澈清爽的味道」差不多、但是大吟釀因為精米步合率高,能更純粹的享受初始味道,這點有些不同。對於那些想輕鬆享受日本酒果香的人來說是比較好的選擇。
Shochu 烧酒 燒酒
A type of distilled liquor made from potatoes, rice, wheat, brown sugar or the like. Where sake is made by fermenting rice with koji, shochu is produced by fermenting cereals such as rice and barley, potatoes, molasses and the like and distilling it. Distillation is a process of cooling gas formed by evaporating liquid and returning it to liquid again, becoming sake with a higher alcohol level. Most shochu is made from sweet potato and wheat, but there are ones made from rice, soba, and brown sugar. 一种由红薯,大米,小麦,红糖等制原材料酿成的蒸馏酒。相对于以大米为原材料通过酒曲发酵而酿造的日本酒,烧酒是用大米以及小麦等谷类,马铃薯类,蜜糖等作为原材料,经过发酵,蒸馏而酿造出的酒。蒸馏是指冷却液体蒸发后的气体,让其再次恢复到液体的作业,使得酒的酒精度数更高。大部分烧酒都是用红薯和小麦为原材料酿成,但也有部分烧酒是用大米,荞麦以及红糖酿造的。 一種由紅薯,大米,小麥,紅糖等製原材料釀成的蒸餾酒。相對於以大米為原材料通過酒麯發酵而釀造的日本酒,燒酒是用大米以及小麥等穀類,馬鈴薯類,蜜糖等作為原材料,經過發酵,蒸餾而釀造出的酒。蒸餾是指冷卻液體蒸發後的氣體,讓其再次恢復到液體的作業,使得酒的酒精度數更高。大部分燒酒都是用紅薯和小麥為原材料釀成,但也有部分燒酒是用大米,蕎麥以及紅糖釀造的。
Brewery 酒厂社长 酒廠社長
The Kuramoto (brewer) is responsible to act the role as president (owner) of a sake brewery. It is the role of the Kuramoto to comprehensively run the sake brewery, including management and performance analysis, and business planning to continue and expand the sake brewery. In addition to the role of the "owner of a sake brewery", a Kuramoto may also refer to the sake brewery itself. 担任酿酒厂社长(所有者)的人。他的责任是,掌握酿酒厂的业绩,并对其分析,在此基础上经营酒厂,并企划开发新产品,规划商业方向,让酒厂能够长期存在并发展下去,整合酒厂的综合生产力。 除了“酿酒厂的所有者”这个角色之外,也可以指酿酒厂本身。 擔任釀酒廠社長(所有者)的人。他的責任是,掌握釀酒廠的業績,並對其分析,在此基礎上經營酒廠,並企劃開發新產品,規劃商業方向,讓酒廠能夠長期存在並發展下去,整合酒廠的綜合生產力。除了“釀酒廠的所有者”這個角色之外,也可以指釀酒廠本身。
Kurabito 酿酒师 釀酒師
We call the group of craftsmen who make sake at a Kuramoto, "Kurabito". This Kurabito has an organizational system like a company, where management is the "Kuramoto", the person in charge of the sake brewery is the "Touji", his assistant the "Kashira", the koji-making specialist the "Kojishi", and the person in charge of making shubo the "Motomawari". 在酒厂酿造酒的师傅的总称为「酿酒师」。这些酿酒师有着像公司一样的组织系统,经营者是酒厂社长,酿酒责任人称为“杜氏”,下面的助手称为“头目”,酒曲制造的专家称为「酒曲师」,由参与制造酒母的的人组成。 在酒廠釀造酒的師傅的總稱為「釀酒師」。這些釀酒師有著像公司一樣的組織系統,經營者是酒廠社長,釀酒責任人稱為“杜氏”,下面的助手稱為“頭目”,酒麯製造的專家稱為「酒麯師」,由參與製造酒母的的人組成。
Seishu 清酒 清酒
According to the regulations under the liquor tax law, sake which has an alcohol degree of fewer than 22 degrees is called "seishu". According to the liquor tax law stipulated by the National Tax Agency, there are provisions on raw materials and manufacturing methods, and "rice, koji, and water fermented and filtered", "rice, water, and sake lees, rice koji etc. specified in the law fermented and filtered", and "seishu lees added to seishu and filtered" all fall under seishu. 根据“酒税法”的规定,含有少于22度酒精的日本酒被称为“清酒”。 另外,对原材料和酿造方法也有规定。根据国家税务局规定的酒税法,对“以米,酒曲,水为原料发酵而成的制品”,“米,水,酒糟,米麹以及其他规定的材料为原料发酵而成的制品” ” 在清酒里面加入酒糟而成的制品”这三类都称为清酒。 根據“酒稅法”的規定,含有少於22度酒精的日本酒被稱為“清酒”。另外,對原材料和釀造方法也有規定。根據國家稅務局規定的酒稅法,對“以米,酒麯,水為原料發酵而成的製品”,“米,水,酒糟,米麴以及其他規定的材料為原料發酵而成的製品” ”在清酒裡面加入酒糟而成的製品”這三類都稱為清酒。

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