Koshu (well-cured-sake)

What is Liqueur?



A liqueur is a mixture of spirits and flavored ingredients like fruits and herbs added sweetness. In Japan, in Article 3 of the liquor tax law, it is defined as  "alcohol made from alcohol and sugar, etc (including alcohol) with an extract of more than 2 degrees". The liqueur is popular alcohol that is favored around the world, with its definition varying from country to country, but depending on the flavored ingredients it can be categorized into 4 large categories, "fruit", "seed", "herb", and "other". One of the well-known ones includes absinthe from the herb category, Curacao from the fruit category, and Campari which mixes herbs and fruits. From the sound of its name, the liqueur is often thought to be Western, but in Japan, there are relatively popular ones like "umeshu" (plum liqueur) made from pickled plums, and "otoso", a type of herbal sake people drink for new years. Here we will introduce a sake-based liqueur full of Japanese taste.

利口酒,以蒸馏酒为基酒,配合水果和香草成分以及甜味料等制成的混合酒。在日本酒税法第3条,被定义为“以酒精和糖类制品(包括酒精)为原材料制成的酒,提取份额在2度以上”。利口酒是在世界各国都很受欢迎的一种酒,不同国家对这种酒的定义也不同,根据香料成分大致分为四类:“果实类酒”,“种子类酒”(咖啡,可可,榛子等) ,“药草香草类酒”和“其他种类酒”(如鸡蛋和牛奶等)。有名的是药草类酒的 “苦艾酒”,果实类酒的库拉索,以及药草和果实混合的金巴利酒,已经被人们所熟知。受名字的影响,给人们印象很深以为是洋酒利口酒,实际上在日本也有用梅子制作的梅酒,和日本新年经常饮用的药草酒的一种叫屠蘇的酒也很受欢迎。

利口酒,以蒸餾酒為基酒,配合水果和香草成分以及甜味料等製成的混合酒。在日本酒稅法第3條,被定義為“以酒精和醣類製品(包括酒精)為原材料製成的酒,提取份額在2度以上”。利口酒是在世界各國都很受歡迎的一種酒,不同國家對這種酒的定義也不同,根據香料成分大致分為四類:“果實類酒”,“種子類酒”(咖啡,可可,榛子等) ,“藥草香草類酒”和“其他種類酒”(如雞蛋和牛奶等)。有名的是藥草類酒的 “苦艾酒”,果實類酒的庫拉索,以及藥草和果實混合的金巴利酒,已經被人們所熟知。受名字的影響,給人們印像很深以為是洋酒利口酒,實際上在日本也有用梅子製作的梅酒,和日本新年經常飲用的藥草酒的一種叫屠蘇的酒也很受歡迎。

  • A fresh scent and sourness of yuzu. In addition to chilling, it is recommended to drink hot. 清爽的柚子香气和酸味。除了冷却饮用意外,加热喝也很美味。 清爽的柚子香氣和酸味。除了冷卻飲用意外,加熱喝也很美味。

    This is a liqueur from Funasaka Shuzo, a sake maker in Hida Takayama, known for its folk-paneled houses and old townscapes. This is a "yuzu sake" which mixes Yuzu harvested in Gifu prefecture's Kaminohomura of Seki City and the brewery's representative sake "Jigoro", and the smell of Yuzu from the moment you remove the cap will tickle your nose. The flavorful sweetness and sourness unique to this liqueur using plenty of yuzu are also recommended for people who do not like sake so much. There are a variety of ways to drink this such as on the rocks, with cider, and with hot water. As it is sake-based, you can also enjoy it hot.



    Product name: YUZUBEE
    Brewery name: Funasaka Sake Brewery Co., Ltd

    产品名称: 柚子兵卫
    酿酒厂的名字: 舩坂酒造店 有限公司

    產品名稱: 柚子兵衛
    釀酒廠的名字: 舩坂酒造店 有限公司

    Details of the brewery 酒厂详细 酒廠詳細
  • Condensed sweetness and sourness of tangerines. 浓缩了橘子的甜酸。“水果王国”和歌山的利口酒 濃縮了橘子的甜酸。 “水果王國”和歌山的利口酒

    Arita city, Wakayama prefecture, known as one of the biggest producing areas of "Arita mandarines", which is one of Japan's leading brand of mandarines. This "Arita No Mikanshu" uses plenty of "Arita mandarines" and high-quality water from the Arita river, originating in the sacred grounds of the Koya Mountain, and is brewed in mild climate unique to the Kii Peninsula. The balance between sweetness and sourness is kept exquisitely, and the taste is as though you are eating mandarines. In summer you can enjoy it on the rocks, in winter you can split it with hot water, and other various ways to enjoy this like with soda. Making use of the environment blessed with a mild climate, this is a liqueur unique to the "Fruit Kingdom" of Wakayama, which has been growing fruits for a long time.



    Brewery name: Sekai Itto Co., Ltd.

    产品名称: 和歌山之惠 有田的蜜柑酒
    酿酒厂的名字: 世界一统 股份有限公司

    產品名稱: 和歌山之惠 有田的蜜柑酒
    釀酒廠的名字: 世界一統 股份有限公司

    Details of the brewery 酒厂详细 酒廠詳細
  • The charm of this liqueur is the pleasant aroma using plenty of local plums of Kishu. 充分使用信州当地生产的梅子,有着香气宜人的魅力 充分使用信州當地生產的梅子,有著香氣宜人的魅力

    Established in 1874, Kametaya Sake Brewery is located in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, with a 150 year history. While earning a high reputation in Japanese sake brewing of its traditional methods, Kametaya is actively working on making liqueur using special products of shinshu, such as plums, apples, blueberries, etc. This "Shinshu Musou Umeshu" is one of them. It is a sake-based liqueur using plenty of plums from Shinshu and flowing water from the Northern Alps. Its taste is smooth, characterized by the refreshing taste with not so much sweetness. For this, you can enjoy the pleasant aroma of plums and it can be enjoyed by those who don't like sake.

    亀田屋酒造店创立于明治2年,拥有150年历史的长野县松本市酿酒厂。不仅在传统酿酒法方面在日本清酒酿造商中享有很高的声誉,也积极地利用以信州的特产品为原材料来酿造利口酒,使用梅子,苹果,蓝莓等酿造的利口酒也受到许多好评。 这款“信州梦梅酒”就是其中之一。 这是一种基于清酒的酒,用来自北阿尔卑斯山的伏流水结合大量当地信州梅子酿造而成。 饮用的口腔是柔顺的,其特点是控制了甜度的清爽口感。 因此,您可以享受梅子的宜人香气,即使是那些不擅长清酒的人也可以享受。


    Product name: SHINSHU-MUSO Umeshu
    Brewery name: Kametaya Syuzouten Co., Ltd.

    产品名称: 信州梦想 梅酒
    酿酒厂的名字: 龟田屋酒造店 股份有限公司

    產品名稱: 信州夢想 梅酒
    釀酒廠的名字: 龜田屋酒造店 股份有限公司

    Details of the brewery 酒厂详细 酒廠詳細

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