Koshu (well-cured-sake)

What is Koshu?



Although there is no definite definition of koshu, generally a sake gets called "koshu" after one year of the brewery year. Since the brewing year in Japan is from July 1 to June 30 of the following year, sake made during this time is called "shinshu", and sake made before this is called "koshu". We also call sake made more than two years ago "daikoshu", and sake aged over 3 years "jukusei koshu". The fascination of koshu is how the taste changes during the course of long-term preservation. In contrast with shinshu with a high degree of transparency, koshu will start to have a deeper amber color as the aging progresses, with its flavor changing to something like cacao, caramel, or soy sauce. While the appeal of shinshu is the fruity aroma and refreshing taste, koshu increases in "depth" and "stoutness" as the aging progresses - in a way similar to vintage wine.

由于日本的酿造年份是从7月1日到次年6月30日,在此期间制作的酒是“新酒”,在此之前制作的清酒称为“古酒”。 我们还称两年多前酿造的酒为“大古酒”,年龄超过3年的“熟成古酒”。
古酒的魅力是它的味道会因为长期保存而产生不同的变化。相对于透明度很高的新酒来说,古酒随着发酵的继续,颜色增添了琥珀色的深度,并且能够令人联想到可可,焦糖,酱油等的味道。 相对于新酒的魅力是水果香气和清爽的味道,古酒因发酵行进的程度,增加了“深度”和“骨架”的质感。- 跟复古酒有着异曲同工之处。

古酒的魅力是它的味道會因為長期保存而產生不同的變化。相對於透明度很高的新酒來說,古酒隨著發酵的繼續,顏色增添了琥珀色的深度,並且能夠令人聯想到可可,焦糖,醬油等的味道。相對於新酒的魅力是水果香氣和清爽的味道,古酒因發酵行進的程度,增加了“深度”和“骨架”的質感。 - 跟復古酒有著異曲同工之處。

  • Daiginjo brewed by the "god of sake" which brings back life. 有起死回生的”酒神”称号的大吟酿 有起死回生的”酒神”稱號的大吟釀

    A masterpiece made by Kikusui Sake in Noshiro city of northwestern Akita. It is a "jukusei koshu" that has aged the highest grade of daiginjo brewing Hyogo's Yamada Nishiki, for 3 years. The origin of the name comes from the "mouth biting sake" "Kamutachi" that appears in the oldest history book "Kojiki" in Japan. The steamed rice offered to God became moldy, and what had been brewed from that rice became "Kamutachi", which is the origin of today's sake. It is characterized by the mellow taste from the long years of storing and aging. The thick and smooth texture and fruity fragrance can exactly be said to be the "sake made by the god of sake".

    使用由兵库县山田锦酿造的最好的大吟酿,是经过3年成熟发酵的 “熟成古酒”。
    这个名字的起源来自日本最古老的历史书『古事記』中出现的“口嚼酒”“ KAMUTATI”。 供奉神灵的蒸米饭会发霉,就用这个霉菌来酿造了“ KAMUTATI”,这也是日本酒的来源。
    特点是长期保存的醇厚度。 香气和光滑的水果香味正是“由酒神酿造的酒”。

    使用由兵庫縣山田錦釀造的最好的大吟釀,是經過3年成熟發酵的 “熟成古酒”。
    這個名字的起源來自日本最古老的歷史書『古事記』中出現的“口嚼酒”“ KAMUTATI”。供奉神靈的蒸米飯會發霉,就用這個黴菌來釀造了“ KAMUTATI”,這也是日本酒的來源。

    Product name: Daiginjo, SHUKONDEI-NOSHIRO KAMUTACHI
    Brewery name: Kikusui Shuzo Limited Partnership


    釀酒廠的名字:喜久水酒造 合資公司

    Details of the brewery 酒厂详细 酒廠詳細
  • Aged for over 10 years in a seller set at -2 ℃. The essence of vintage is here. 在零下2℃的冷藏柜超过10年。 复古的精髓就在这里。 在零下2℃的冷藏櫃超過10年。復古的精髓就在這裡。

    Nagai Sake is located in Kawaba village of Gunma Prefecture, blessed with beautiful mountains, countryside, and fine water. This "Junmai Daiginjo Vintage" is the product of that long history of sake brewing. The koshu produced through an aging period of more than 10 years in a -2 °C cellar has a flavor reminiscent of vanilla, hazelnuts, honey, and the length and elegance of the aftertaste is full of vintage peculiar charm. Its rich flavor goes excellent with main dishes such as meat and fish dishes. The complete design of the paulownia box, mizuhiki, and label that reflect Japanese culture using Japanese traditional techniques is another special characteristic.



    Product name: Junmai-Daiginjo VINTAGE
    Brewery name: Nagai Sake Inc.

    产品名称: 纯米大吟酿VINTAGE
    酿酒厂的名字: 永井酒造 股份有限公司

    產品名稱: 純米大吟釀VINTAGE
    釀酒廠的名字: 永井酒造 股份有限公司

    Details of the brewery 酒厂详细 酒廠詳細
  • A "smoothly withered flavor" is created through 10 years of aging. 十年的时间创造了“温和成熟的味道” 十年的時間創造了“溫和成熟的味道”

    This is an aged old sake brewed by Sonnoh Kuramoto, Yamazaki Limited Partnership in Aichi's Nishio city, overlooking the Mikawa Bay. Its characteristic is in its long-brewing period of 10 years. Junmaiginjo "Oku" brewed using high-quality sake rice "Yumesansui" from the local land of Oku Mikawa is aged for 10 years in low temperature at 10 °C or lower to create a "smoothly withered flavor" while leaving a flowery scent. It is indeed a "sake produced by 'time'". It is a masterpiece to savor the depth of Japanese sake.

    面朝三河湾的爱知县,爱知县西尾市的酿酒厂,尊皇蔵元 山﨑合资会社聚集了清酒酿造技术的精华,从而酿造出熟成古酒
    在成立酿酒厂的地方奥三河,使用合同栽培的高品质的酒米「梦山水」酿造的纯米吟酿『奥』,在10℃下用10年时间进行低温发酵,口感中,回味华丽香味的同时,又会产生轻微枯萎的味道。果然是“时间”生产的清酒。 它是能够领略日本清酒深度的完美极品。

    面朝三河灣的愛知縣,愛知縣西尾市的釀酒廠,尊皇蔵元 山﨑合資會社聚集了清酒釀造技術的精華,從而釀造出熟成古酒

    Product name: YUMESANSUI-Juwari OKU Decade low temperature aging <Limited quantity> Junmai-Ginjo Genshu
    Brewery name: Yamazaki Limited Partnership

    产品名称:梦山水十割 奥 十年低温熟成<数量限定> 纯米吟酿原酒
    酿酒厂的名字:山崎 合资公司

    產品名稱: 夢山水十割 奧 十年低溫熟成<數量限定> 純米吟釀原酒
    釀酒廠的名字: 山崎 合資公司

    Details of the brewery 酒厂详细 酒廠詳細

※Products that could be sold vary by region. Please contact us for more information. ※可以出售的产品因地区而异。 请详细询问。 ※可以出售的產品因地區而異。 請詳細詢問。

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